Typically USB hub has 4 port connections, sometime they just one or two connection work very well. For example, I want connect two ports for USB printer, a USB scanner, and USB flash drives together in the same time. The question is, "How do i hook up all the devices?"
If we use all port together, sometime caused our computer hang or slowing down CPU process system. This problem happens because this device (USB hub 4 port) overloads the computer power supply. USB standard is unpowered power supply, so they get their power from the bus, up to 500miliamps at 5 volts. So we need external power supply to handle all devices on USB hub 4 port. In the other side, if we have a lots of self-powered devices like printer, camera or scanner, then our USB Hub does not need to be powered.
This external power supply can be form by IC regulator 7805 that gives regulated voltage at 5 volt.
So we need transformer that have voltage more than 5 volt, 12 volt is more optional. First, we need to disconnect 5 volts cable USB hub from computer power supply, and then connect pin 1 female usb connector to the output of ic 7805. Maybe we need to adding capacitor to the input and output ic 7805, it’s about 220uf/16v (negative pole to the ground).
We have full installation external powered USB hub.
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